Thursday, July 30, 2009


Things have been a smidge crazy here. Grandma is in the hospital. She had surgery on Tuesday and we have been running running running. Went to visit today and it was amazing how much better she looked. Still in ICU, but my guess she will be moved tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. So a little relief on that front.
Can anyone tell me why they have all the signs up that say no cell phone use or computers? It was hard not to notice that the nurses sit at nurses station on computers and the doctors run in talking on their cell phones. Hmmm, what's wrong with that picture? Inquiring minds need to know. They say it will interfere with the equipment. Makes me think it's all about noise.

Been working on bags for Brandi. Hopefully I will be able to pass some of those off over the weekend.

I've also been trying to update my Artfire site. Never thought doing the computer part would be such a pain in the hinny. I really need an underpaid assistant to help me. The sewing part really is much more fun.

My hope is to have some quilt content by the weekend. I have blocks on my design wall and a top cut out on the cutting table. Gotta to have stuff to machine quilt and take to the hospital with me.

Have a great Friday. I'm so glad it's close.

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