This is the Work in Progress that I'm attempting to finish in between watching the Olympics, working and running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm very excited with how it's turning out. The pattern is 10,000 Pyramids. It was a strip of the month quilt from Harpers (LQS). It will have 2 borders when it's finished.

Okra, lots of okra. Yesterday I tried pickled okra and liked it so tonight I decided to try and pickle some myself.

This is the fruit of my labor. Doesn't seem like a lot for all the work but I'm anxious to see how it turns out. The recipe I used said I'm supposed to wait 6 weeks before opening. WOW, that's going to seem like a life time. I don't do a lot of canning. I've done salsa and no one got sick, which is a good thing. Hopefully the okra pickles and is very tasty. I'm hoping to get some salsa going also.

This is going to be my next project. It's yet another top from Strip Club at Harpers. I LOVE the bright colors, so I can hardly wait to cut into the fabric. I keep trying to convince myself that I need to finish some things up, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to wait.
TTFN, have a great day!
Becky your WIP is just gorgeous, a lot of work in that one...
oh...okra...i detest okra. maybe pickled would be better. maybe i should just focus on the quilts.
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