I've decided, after surveying the Girl Cave, that I'm going to partake in a challenge being thrown out by Bari at My Crazy Quilting Life. Bari is proposing a Quilters Accountability (QA) Challenge. The idea is like some of the others, in that UFOs should be finished. The idea I like is that in a sense it will be like a Weight Watcher's Group. Everyone has a goal of what they want to finish or accomplish and the rest of the group will be the cheerleaders. I think I need more voices than the little one in my head, that I ignore quite often, to help me finish up some projects. Ok, so go check out Bari's post and see for your self.
So I can't believe I'm going to do this, but I have a huge confession. Umm, well .... I have a lot of unfinished projects. And not only do I have a lot of unfinished things, I have bought a LOT of fabric with the intentions of making something very special. Meaning I have the fabric and the pattern and now it's all sitting in a BIG Ziploc bag waiting for me to do something with it. That's what I want to get control of in 2010. I want to empty some of those Ziploc bags. But before empyting the bags, I need to / have to / must finish up some projects that are just sitting.
My first goal is going to be to take a minimum of 15 minutes each day to sit down and sew. If I get more than 15 great, but to take 15 no matter what. I'm going to count that as me time, recharging time, de-stressing from work time. I think this is realistic because it will not only be a good thing for me, but for the family because I will have a few minutes to myself instead of snapping the minute I walk in the door.
My second goal is the UFOs that are currently sitting in the girl cave.
1 HORSE QUILT - The majority of the blocks are done. It just needs some attention and I should be able to finish it up and be able to move onto the next thing. I'm scheduling this quilt top for a February finish.
2 STRIP (BOM) QUILT - This one I'm really wrestling with. This project started at the beginning of my quilting career. It's a scary site. Some of the blocks aren't even close to being the size the pattern said. Some of the strips are either wavy or too big, but I put them together. I think I might need to this to the bottom of my list, but get it off the list in 2010.
3 HAND DYED STARS - A block of the month that I spent far to much money on. I've started it, but as usual, gotten side tracked with the project of the moment. I really need to make an effort to get it done and then pay someone to quilt it.
4 BIG CIRCLES - This was my attempt at learning how to set circles into a block. Cool concept, not as easy I thought it would be. For this, I think I just need to regroup and make this top a wall hanging and move along. Again, not much needed to finish up this project, so it will be a February finish.
5 PINK RIC RACK - Why or why can't I finish this. It's all together, but is just too small. I only need one more row. This is going to be the first on my list. I will complete the top by January 9th, no ifs ands or butts (or is that but).
6 ALIEN APPLIQUE - This is my first attempt at using the embroidery machine to embellish a quilt. I don't applique by hand but thought that doing it on the embroidery machine would be simple. It is, but time consuming. I only have 3 or 4 aliens to finish and then the top will be done. I vow, this quilt top will be done by January 16th.
7 SHEEP - Oh brother. I have great ideas, they just don't work so well when I start cutting things up. I'm going to enlist the help of my new Go Fabric Cutter to help me with this project. I again vow to have this quilt top done by January 27th.
8 CRAYON QUILT - COLORING - thankfully this project isn't too far along. I have blocks that I started to color to make a wall hanging. I think I will continue to color, but put it on the calendar for a March finish.
9 STRIPPY PURSE - In order to finish this project, I'm going to have to sign up for some sewing time at the local quilt shop. I have a phobia (one of many) of zippers. The zipper is the hold up. I will check the shops class schedule to find out when I can sign up for sewing time.
10 JACKET - I got the coolest pattern for a quilted jacket / parka. I started the front of the jacket and then decided it looked horrible so I regrouped. This will be another shop event because there is a very large zipper on the front of the jacket. I vow to finish this jacket. It will not beat me.
11 THANKSGIVING TABLE RUNNERS - All are cut out, just need to finish sewing and quilting. This is going on the list for a February finish.
12 HALLOWEEN TABLE RUNNERS - Same as Thanksgiving runners, just need to finish sewing and quilt. Nothing extravagant, just fun. Get them done and MOVE ALONG. February finish.
13 PAPER PIECED NEW YORK BEAUTY - This is the coolest quilt top, but dang it takes a LONG time to get all the piece parts done. I'm going to keep working at it, but I think I'm going to push for a June finish.
14 SPICE JAR QUILT TOP - I can't think of a good name for this one. It's a strip of the month (SOM) that I started. It just didn't seem big enough. All of the pieces are in a bag somewhere in the girl cave. I need to find the bag and put this on the list for a late February early March finish.
I will share the list of purchased / not started projects later. The above list was just a bit too scary for me. Typing it out makes me want to run to the Girl Cave and get busy. The other list that I will share later is the list of tops that need to be quilted and finished. I think I can be more motivated on these 2 lists, if I finish up some of the UFOs so I don't feel like they are looming over my head.
As part of my own effort to help stay on track and focused, I'm going to make a big poster that I can hang up on the wall in the Girl Cave. I can cross things off when they are done and my list will always be handy. It will also help me to focus when I think that life might get in the way of my progress.
Thanks Bari for your challenge. I'm ready - GO TEAM!