I can't believe how busy our weekend was. I can't say I'm glad it's Monday, but at least we haven't tried to pack as much into the week.
The weather here in Kansas City was ABSOLUTELY beautiful this weekend. I wish that fall, winter and spring could be as nice as it was this weekend.
Friday night, Grace had a sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Honey and I, along with a friend, went to see Jim
Gaffigan at the Midland Theatre. Oh My Gosh, what a funny show. There were parts that the boys laughed so hard I was sure they were going to wet their pants. The best part is no profanity. Not that I don't let the
occasional word slip out, but it's nice not to have to hear it forced down your throat for 2 hours. Okay, I guess I'm showing my age.

Saturday I went to the Paola Kansas Drag & Brag Quilt Show, without my quilt show side kick. I managed, but it wasn't the same, not having to tell someone not to touch the quilts. What a treat! The quilts were great this year. My favorite is below. It's cross stitch, but from far away all I could think was boy that fabric is really cool. Hand quilted too.

I put more pictures from the show
here, if you would like to take a look.
Saturday night we had family over to watch the Nebraska football game. Lots of eating and talking. At points, lots of yelling and it wasn't good yelling.
Sunday was sewing day with the girls. I got 2 quilt tops finished and my 4
Halloween place mats sewn together. Did I take pictures....ummm....no. I will try to get a few tonight. It was great to be able to visit and sew. I'm hoping to keep the sewing days with the girls going.
Last but not least, I took Grace and her friend to the barn to check out the latest installment of baby chicks. The girls have no fear, so they just went right into the chicken coop and started picking up babies. It was very fun to watch how excited the "city" girls got with the animals.

Have a great week!!!