Friday, November 20, 2009

Scraps and Trade

My last post was about the scrap bin. Well I'm happy to say it's on it's way to Vesuviusmama of My Patchwork Life.

I did make a trade though with V from Bumble Beans. She sent me a box and I sent her a box. It's fun to see how different people's tastes are. There was some fabric in the box that was exactly the same as what's in my stash. There were others that weren't even close. I vow to make a scrap quilt out of my new stash. I've been seeing a lot of spider web quilts, so my first thought is that's what I'm doing.

Grace was at the table when I was opening my box. When she saw it was fabric, the first thing out of her mouth was, Mom I know you are going to share that with me. Sorry kiddo, this stash is MINE. Great way to teach a child about sharing, huh?

Tonight Grace brought a little girl home with her to spend the night. I have been listening to whispers and giggles the entire night. The girls made their own pizza for dinner. Right now they are in the tub because for some reason they thought they needed to take a bath. The tent is up in the bedroom and loaded with blankets and pillows for sleeping. I'm truly amazed at how well they are getting along. I probably just jinxed myself saying that.

I'm hoping to get some sewing done this weekend. I vow to finish the black and red quilt top, embroider some Christmas towels and work on another Christmas quilt top. My goal is to be ready for some serious machine quilting over Thanksgiving weekend.

Until later...

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