Saturday, April 23, 2011


I have to share this, pictures and all.

I sit at soccer practice every Wednesday evening hand sewing binding on a quilt. Each week I've been able to take a different quilt with me. The mom's are in awe, which is a great stroke to the ego. I don't tell them that the quilts have been done for a while and I'm just trying to finish them up. Anyhow...

Two weeks ago one of the mom's asked me I could fix Baa-Baa. I'm game, but not really sure what a Baa-Baa is. The next week she introduced me to Baa-Baa, which had to be gently removed from her son's hands.  Her son wanted Baa-Baa fixed, but wasn't really thrilled with the idea that it would have to go home with me.  He asked me if I could work on Baa-Baa right there or if I could bring my sewing machine to the game.  The final request, can you just come to my house tonight?  He told me he really wasn't OK with me taking Baa-Baa to my house.    I gently took Baa-Baa and the while time was thinking how am I going to fix that poor loved blanket.  It is so thread bare that it's not funny.

I got busy right away since I knew that Baa-Baa had to be back in that little boys hands the next time I saw him (that gave me Wednesday night to Saturday morning).  I patched the BIG holes and trimmed up the sides so they weren't so ragged.  I managed to get blue binding on the sides, but there were places I didn't have much to sew too.

When Baa-Baa was returned to that cute little boy, the smile couldn't have been any bigger.  It's not perfect, but Baa-Baa will hang around in his arms a little bit longer.


Caitlin said...

That's cute :) My kids have never been attached to a blanket or a toy like that. Only their binkies, which are forcibly removed at age two.

Patchwork Sisters said...

My nephew was the same way. How nice that you were able to fix it.

Unknown said...

That is the sweetest story. :) I'm so glad you were able to help him.

Sharon said...

My 19 year old still sleeps with her Blankie! Your fix-it job may have to last quite awhile longer.

ButtonMad said... did it so well...he must have been so happy ...good for you...

jovaliquilts said...

Oh, my! I've never tried to repair a quilt, what a task. How happy that little boy must be!