Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wedding Pictures

I'm back.  This weekend was my niece's wedding and we made a trip down to Texas.  It was funny because my SIL informed me that the blog hadn't been updated in a while.  (Yes Les, I'm updating).

It's not quilting but still fun to share.  This is the wedding picture I made for the Bride and Groom.  It's a Kreations by Kara design.  I love her embroidery designs.

Close up #machineembroidery #kreationsbykara

Wedding gift. #machineembroidery #kreationsbykara

My neighbor down the street had a wedding in her family so I made some announcements/samplers for that.


Another Kreations by Kara design.
More wedding. #machineembroidery #kreationsbykara

Happy Stitching.  More quilts to follow.

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