2012 Finished Projects
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Moda Bake Shop

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday's Guild Meeting
This quilt made me smile. When she held it up all I could think was WOW that's a true Velvet Elvis. Sure enough, Marg found a velvet picture at a garage sale and turned it into a TOTALLY cool wall hanging. She added glitter to the picture and spiced up the flowers. The quilting was great because it enhanced, not distracted.

Do You Know??? CPSIA

To the Antique Toy Collector:
Due to the new law, you'd better start buying now because it's all going to private collection and will no longer be available to purchase. “Because the new rules apply retroactively, toys and clothes already on the shelf will have to be thrown out if they aren't certified as safe.”
To the American Economy:
Already struggling under an economy that hasn’t been this weak in decades, the American economy will be hit harder with the inevitable loss of jobs and revenues from suppliers, small businesses and consumers. The required testing is far too costly and restrictive for small businesses or individuals to undertake.
To the Worldwide Economy:
Due to this new law, many foreign manufacturers have already pulled out of the US market. You can imagine the impact of this on their businesses.
If you think this is exaggerating, here is a recent article from Forbes.
And for those of you prepared to be stupefied and boggled, The New Law.
Did you know? If this upsets or alarms you, please react.
To locate the contact information for your congress person go to https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml
To locate the contact information for your US Senator go to http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
Here are some additional contacts:
Contact the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission - (301)-504-7923
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 4330 East West HighwayBethesda, MD 20814
Contact the House Energy and Commerce Committee - (202)-225-29272125
Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515
You are welcome to contact the personal offices of anyone on the following list, who are the members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. There is not room here to post addresses, but a google search will give you their snail mail addresses.
Henry A. Waxman, CA , Chair
John Dingell, MI, Chair Emeritus
Joe Barton, TX Ranking Member
Edward Markey, MA
Rick Boucher, VA
Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ
Bart Gordon, TN
Bobby Rush, IL
Anna Eshoo, CA
Bart Stupak, MI
Eliot Engel, NY
Gene Green, TX
Diana DeGette, CO
Lois Capps, CA
Michael Doyle, PA
Jane Harman, CA
Janice Schakowsky, IL
Charles Gonzales, TX
Jay Inslee, WA
Tammy Baldwin, WI
Mike Ross, AR
Anthony Weiner, NY
Jim Matheson, UT
G.K. Butterfield, NC
Charlie Melancon, LA
John Barrow, GA
Baron Hill, IN
Doris Matsui, CA
Donna Christensen, VA
Kathy Castor, FL
John Sarbanes, MD
Christopher Murphy, CT
Zachary Space, OH
Jerry McNerney, CA
Betty Sutton, OH
Bruce Braley, IA
Peter Welch, VT
Ralph Hall, TX
Fred Upton, MI
Cliff Stearns, FL
Nathan Deal, GA
Ed Whitfield, KY
John Shimkus, IL
John Shadegg, AZ
Roy Blunt, MO
Steve Buyer, IN
George Radanovich, CA
Joseph Pitts, PA
Mary Bono Mack, CA
Greg Walden, OR
Lee Terry, NE
Mike Rogers, MI
Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC
John Sullivan, OK
Tim Murphy, PA
Michael Burgess, TX
Marsha Blackburn, TN
Phil Gingrey, GA

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Where Did the Weekend Go?
Here are couple shows for today. This is a baby quilt that I just did a big meander on. I love the dragons that look like Princesses and Knights.

Goals for this week:
- Quilt 2 baby quilts.
- Get binding on the quilts that have been finished.
- Embroider some more clothes for my walking bill board (aka Grace).
- Practice on applique with embroidery machine.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Festivites and Sewing
The TV is on already and I'm ready for all the coverage. I talked to the guy I work with yesterday about the inauguration. We both decided that we don't remember excitement and coverage like there will be today. It's a very important day in history and if I can't be there to see it in person, I just want to see it on TV.
EDIT - 7:30PM:
I just came up for air. The TV was on the entire day. I completely teared up during the speech that President Obama gave. He said so many things that really hit home for me. It's so exciting to be an American and to be part of this country. This definitely is a time of change.
So onto the things I got done today. I sewed like a woman possessed. The cats helped me. Buddy didn't like all the machine noise and started pacing so he spent some time in his crate.
Finish #1 - this baby quilt for a lady that contacted me via ETSY. She is having a baby and has not found out if it's a boy or girl.

Finish #2 was the Dresden Plate quilt that I showed a couple days back. I had to figure out how to finish the top of it. So that's now done and ready to be handed off. The cats LOVE that quilt, so it's in the dryer right now being fluffed to remove some of the cat hair it accumulated while visiting my house.
Finish #3 was the back for a quilt top that I finished around November. The back is loaded on the quilt frame and waiting for me to get busy. I need to get the batting and top centered and I'm ready to get it quilted. I even cut the binding out and it's ready to be sewed on once the quilt is together.
Finish #4 was a panel quilt that I added some borders too. It was partially done so I finished it and got the back ready. The binding is also cut and ready to go.
In between the mad frenzy of machine quilting and sewing, I fired up the embroidery machine and made some Bluework blocks. After looking at the picture, I can see I need to pick some more of the stabilizer from the back.

Well, I must retire and get one small child ready for bed. Have a great night!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Weekend Projects
Valentine's day hand towels. Made some for me and my mother in law. I have some for Grandma, but they just aren't stitched yet.
My favorite creation for the 2 days. A bag for Grace to carry her tap and ballet shoes in. Poor kid is going to have to be my poster child / walking billboard.
Just so you know, I love my new machine. The thread is doing what it's supposed to be doing. I can hit the button and walk away and not have to babysit the machine. I'm happy happy happy. Or as my dad would say, as happy as a pig in slop. Yep that's me!!!
I also got the Dresden plate quilt trimmed so that I can stitch the back to the front. Then off to it's owner. I'm planning to spend Tuesday watching inaugural festivities and quilting.
Have a great week.

Saturday, January 17, 2009
I will be sure to show you pictures tomorrow. I'm just so excited that I need to go stitch more!
Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My Baby Turns 5

It is truly AMAZING how quickly they change and grow up right in front of your eyes. She's only 5 and I'm the biggest sap about it today. I can hardly wait until she's 16 (yeah I'm kidding).
I took pizza in for the kids at daycare for lunch. New respect for those women who do daycare for a living. If I had to be around that many 4 and 5 year olds on a daily basis, I would be ABSOLUTELY nuts.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Serious Whining
I think I have mentioned several times that the embroidery machine I got went back to the shop. Well I still haven't gotten it back. Purchased on 12/10 and it's now 1/12. Can't seem to get anyone to respond to me. Today I stepped it up and went directly to Babylock. 2 phone messages and an email. I figured that I would have heard from someone this morning. No nothing.
I do have a loaner from the shop that I've been using, but it's not my machine. My brand new shiny machine.
The retailer was supposed to send the machine back between Christmas and New Years. I was told it went back on the 8th of January. I don't know whether to believe them or not now. It's probably still sitting there in the shop.
I couldn't get the machine to work with any of the thread that I have. My good old Singer worked/works just fine. No thread breaks, no rethreading. It likes rayon, poly or metallic. This new machine hated all my thread. Then to hear the retailer tell me that I just needed to replace the thread and not use Sulky or Maderia made me want to scream. For the money I spent, that machine should be able to work with yarn should I want to embroider with it. OK, so I'm not going to try yarn, but you get my point. You can't just make a blanket statement about thread and expect me to jump and replace everything I have purchased. Not going to happen. Yes I understand there are bad spools of thread that you run into OCCASIONALLY. Not every spool of thread I own is bad.
I so don't want to throw a big old stinking hissy fit, but boy it's coming close. The hubby is about to get involved and let me share that just isn't going to be pretty.
Seems like customer service just doesn't exist anymore. I feel like someone should be bending over backwards to help. I don't feel like I'm getting that. So I have a loaner and they didn't have to do that for me. Then again, they would have seen the ugly side of me if I didn't get a loaner.
I keep trying to remain calm, but the blood is starting to boil. I feel like I've made a HUGE mistake and everyone is just laughing. We have the money, now lets see what she's going to do. My fear right now is that should I choose to return everything then the next fight is going to start because I'm out of my 31 day return window.
UGH, UGH and triple UGH!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Finally Some Quilting
I will need to remember this quilt every time I think I want to quilt for a living. This one will make me re-think that whole idea. I did flowers with leaves in the sashing. Then I quilted around the edge of each Dresden plate. The quilt was made by an 80 year old and was partially sewn and partially done by hand. Nothing was really straight. I'm not the straightest person, but this one was really hard for me to try and get straight. There are prairie points around the sides and I need to figure out how to finish the edges.
We celebrated Grace's birthday with the family today. That was a lot of fun. Nothing crazy, just some cake and ice cream with the great grandparents, grandparents and aunt & uncle.
I'm hoping to make it down to the basement to do a little bit of embroidery, but who knows. Dance starts again tomorrow, so I need to get the bag together with all the shoes and clothes.
Have a great week.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thank You Blogland
My variation of the same flower. I didn't get a picture of the leaves but I'm even impressed with those.
So to all the Bloggers in Blogland of whom I peruse, thank you for giving me the courage and the understanding that I can be me and that not everything has to match exactly or be perfect. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. It's very freeing to know that I can do something and it looks nice even though it's not exact.
And last but not least, the new little helper that's come to our house. Thankfully I never tell anyone that I'm pet free. Thus it's easier to explain the hair. Buddy likes the quilt.
Thank you! and have a great night. I'm off to bath one small child who will turn 5 next week. 5, yikes, that number doesn't seem possible.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Back to Work
Buddy got a bath this weekend. Couldn't resist sharing. He was so good in the tub, but as you can see he didn't like the event. The dog is definitely all fur.

Have a great day!